Allie Aie taking part in the Kids' TRYathlon in 2014. All funds from the Triathlon Club’s “Learn to Run” program will go to support the TRYathlon, the training camp, and Skip’s Run

Allie Aie taking part in the Kids' TRYathlon in 2014. All funds from the Triathlon Club’s “Learn to Run” program will go to support the TRYathlon, the training camp, and Skip’s Run

Learn to Ryn program aims to get people moving

New program offers three programs for people who want to move towards health in a fun group setting.

The Desert Hills Triathlon Club is starting a “Learn to Run” program, which will begin on March 7 and run through April 24. Three different programs will assist participants in working up to walking 5km; running/walking 5km; and running/walking 10km.

Vicky Trill of the Triathlon Club says it’s something the group has talked about doing for a couple of years. “It’s non-competitive and non-threatening. We wanted to get people interested who’ve never done this before; and now we’re finally doing it!”

David Dubois will be leading the 5km walking group. He suffered a heart attack just after Christmas 2015, and part of his rehab process is trying to get 150 minutes of exercise a week.

“The biggest thing is to get people to come out and try,” he says. “The 5km walking group aims to get people out and moving; people who are trying to be active and aren’t doing anything else. It’s a first start.” Participants can walk at their own pace. “We’ll be going slow and helping people meet their targets in a fun group setting.”

Trill says there will be a group walk/run every Saturday morning starting on March 12 at 9:00am at the Ashcroft HUB. Not all the sessions will be in Ashcroft: a couple will be in Cache Creek, and they hope to have one at Barnes Lake. During the week participants are encouraged to walk/run at their own leisure.

Trill notes that anyone planning an individual session can post on the Desert Hills Triathlon Club Facebook page that they’re planning to go out at whatever date and time, so others can join them if they’re available. It’s often easier to commit to going for a walk or run if you know someone else is coming, she says.

The cost is $40.00, with all the proceeds going to support programs such as the Kids’ TRYathlon, the TRYathlon training camp, and Skip’s Run. Registration is on March 7 at 7:00pm at the Ashcroft HUB; for more information call Vicky Trill at (250) 457-7038, or e-mail

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal