Nic Pirillo received $1,000 Youth WORK Apprenticeship Award presented to him by Erik Brooke and Catlin Chandler of Broadwater Industries, in front of the boat Pirillo built in his free time using newly acquired skills. (Photo: supplied)

Learning and earning with apprenticeship

Nic Pirillo graduated in 2020 and was awarded the Youth WORK Trades award

  • Jun. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Prince Rupert apprentice, Nic Pirillo, who is a metal fabricator and 2020 graduate of Charles Hays Secondary School has been honoured with a $1,000 Youth WORK Trades award on June 4.

The purpose of the award is to assist with the financial costs apprentices face balancing tuition costs, tools and equipment purchases while still needing to pay for basic living expenses.

Pirillo had to be registered with the Industry Trades Authority and complete a list of requirements to qualify for the award. The man had to complete four Youth WORK in Trades courses, maintain a C plus average or better on all grade 12 courses, graduate with a grade 12 Dogwood Diploma.

Pirillo works closely with a mentor at Broadwater Industries, Catlin Chandler a Red Seal journeyman metal fabricator, and required more than 900 apprenticeship work-based hours to be accumulated within six months of graduation to qualify for the award.

Working for three summers at Broadwater before his full-time apprenticeship, Pirelli has been exposed to a diversified work environment with exposure to many various trades, including industrial painting. In his spare time, Pirillo built a boat using his newly acquired skills in metal fabrication.


K-J Millar | Journalist 

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