If you see newborn wild life do not touch or move them as most times they are not abandoned.

If you see newborn wild life do not touch or move them as most times they are not abandoned.

Leave newborn wildlife in nature

People often mistakenly believe newborns have been abandoned.

With fawning and calving season underway, provincial biologists are reminding people that newborn deer, elk or moose should not be touched or moved when encountered.

“If you encounter a young deer or calf in the wild at this time of the year, appreciate the experience, but don’t approach or intervene,” warns the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

People who find these newborns alone often mistakenly believe they have been abandoned, but usually their mother has only left them temporarily, and will return.

“When it comes to newborn wild animals, mother always knows best,” said the ministry in a press release. “Intervening in these situations by ‘rescuing’ the fawn or calf is rarely necessary and will usually do more harm than good.”

According to the ministry, it is normal for mother deer, elk and other ungulates to leave their young alone for long periods, returning a few times a day to nurse, and relying on the newborn’s lack of scent to protect them from predators. This is true not just for deer; many mammals leave their young alone for long periods of time, only to return to feed them at regular intervals.

Although these newborns may appear abandoned, it is rarely the case, and if they are removed they will be orphaned. In fact, returning mothers that find humans or pets nearby may leave or can become aggressive to defend their offspring from the perceived threat. However, the mother will return if the young is left alone.

Burns Lake conservation officer Ron LeBlanc said he has encountered similar cases in the Burns Lake area.

“People [in Burns Lake area] do tend to call and report seemingly abandoned wildlife,” he said.

While professional wildlife rehabilitation facilities in some areas of B.C. can successfully rear these newborns, when there is no maternal care their chances of survival are far less than if they had been raised by their true mother.

If you find a fawn or calf that you think may be orphaned, here’s what you should do:

* Do not touch or feed the animal;

* If it is lying quietly, leave it alone and leave the area;

* Keep all children and especially dogs away from the area;

* If you think the fawn or calf is not being cared for by its mother, return the next day to check. If it is in the exact same spot, it may be injured or orphaned. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible, but do not touch or move the animal.

To report an injured or orphaned animal, contact the 24/7 report all poachers and polluters (RAPP) line at 1-877-952-7277, or visit the RAPP website at www.rapp.bc.ca


Burns Lake Lakes District News