Ledgeview Golf Society continues operating course

Interim board of directors is restructuring the struggling city-owned public golf facility.

Despite some serious financial hardships, the Ledgeview Golf Society has decided to continue operating Abbotsford’s Ledgeview Golf Course.

The interim board of directors held a members’ meeting on Saturday to discuss the decision.

After running the course successfully for the past 30 years, the club lost $112,000 in 2010, $240,000 in 2011 and is expecting to lose $150,000 this year.

The group was created in 1978 to run the city-owned public golf facility. In May, the city granted Ledgeview $115,000, including $65,000 in rent forgiveness and $50,000 toward capital improvements.

The new board is currently trying to restructure the organization. If the society’s financial situation does not improve, the group would eventually have to shut down and leave the facility’s operation to the City of Abbotsford.

Abbotsford News