Legebokoff voire dire

The trial of accused serial killer Cody Legebokoff will continue on in 2014.

  • Jan. 7, 2014 1:00 p.m.

The trial of accused serial killer Cody Legebokoff will continue on in 2014.

A voire dire for the accused serial killer has been underway in Prince George since October of last year. A voire dire is a “trial within a trial” which examines which evidence will be admissible during the actual trial proceedings and if the accused’s Charter rights were violated at all during the course of the investigation. Because the voire dire reveals important but possibly inadmissible evidence, a publication ban prohibits the coverage of what is revealed in those proceedings.

Legebokoff will likely face a trial by jury this year, and is charged with four counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Loren Donn Leslie, Jill Stuckenko, Cynthia Maas, and Natasha Montgomery.

The women disappeared between 2009 and 2010, and Legebokoff was arrested after a chance encounter with a member of the RCMP on Highway 27, when he saw Legebokoff pulling out of an unused logging road at night.

The 10-month investigation then led to the three additional murder charges.


Caledonia Courier