Legion Branch gives Poppy Fund accounting

Members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 259 will be out soon giving out poppies

Legion Branch 259 representative Joe Short (l) pins the first poppy onto Mayor John Harwood.

Legion Branch 259 representative Joe Short (l) pins the first poppy onto Mayor John Harwood.

Members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 259 will be out soon giving out poppies and collecting donations, but where does the money go?

All of the money raised through the poppy campaign goes to veteran-related activities, local Legion members say.

Last year the branch collected $6,317 from the poppy campaign.

The two biggest disbursement from the poppy fund were $2,000 to the veterans transition program (to help our troops adjust to coming home from Afghanistan), and $2,000 to a bursary for a student from Clearwater Secondary School.

Local schoolchildren received $730 in poster and literary contest prizes.

Two disbursements of $300 each went to the Ladies Auxiliary of the B.C./Yukon Command for the Brock Fahrni Pavilion and the George Derby Center. The money was for Christmas gifts and medical equipment for veterans living in those centers.

Another $300 went to Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for cable TV at the hospital.

A contribution of $200 went to the Royal Canadian Legion Foundation to help purchase an exoskeleton for a veteran.

Final item on the tally was $162 for the free veterans dinner the Legion puts on each November.


Total disbursements from the poppy fund this year amounted to $5,992.



Clearwater Times