Remembrance Day

Legion offers virtual Remembrance Day also

The Royal Canadian Legion, Pleasant Valley Branch #249, invited the public to join the Remembrance Day service virtually through their Facebook page on Nov. 11, 2020. The service started at 10 a.m. - Community Service and 11 a.m. Cenotaph Service. Although it was offered virtually some Houston residents attended the ceremony in person and respectfully practiced social distancing to be safe. More pictures on page 2. (Angelique Houlihan photos/Houston Today)

  • Nov. 16, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Royal Canadian Legion, Pleasant Valley Branch #249, invited the public to join the Remembrance Day service virtually through their Facebook page on Nov. 11, 2020. The service started at 10 a.m. – Community Service and 11 a.m. Cenotaph Service. Although it was offered virtually some Houston residents attended the ceremony in person and respectfully practiced social distancing to be safe. More pictures on page 2. (Angelique Houlihan photos/Houston Today)

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