Lemon Creek workforce fortified by Castlegar hiring session

Eighteen to join in continuing jet fuel clean-up following July 26 spil

  • Aug. 8, 2013 8:00 a.m.

An August 8 press release indicates that more than 150 people from across the West Kootenays visited the Sandman Hotel in Castlegar on August 7th to interview for positions with Quantum Murray.

“Eighteen people were hired and will begin work in the coming days,” it is stated in the release.

“These employees will work with clean-up crews in a non-hazardous capacity and provide welcome relief to responders who have been on site for nearly two weeks.”

Also divulged int the Aug. 8 email, news that Quantum Murray had removed the containment booms at the Kootenay (Brilliant) and Lower Slocan (confluence with Kootenay). “There has been no detectable or observable product in these locations over the last few days and all data collected supports MOE and IHA’s position that the water in the Kootenay River is safe for people to use.”

Quantum Murray had reportedly deployed boats and crews to collect the boom equipment and continues to take all appropriate steps to ensure the residual contamination is captured and removed to a licensed waste facility.

“This is a very positive step in the clean-up process and we look forward to sharing more information as it becomes available,” it is stated the news release.

In more news relating to the spill remediation efforts:

An increasing number of visits to the Resiliency Centre at Winlaw Elementary are being paid by Slocan Valley locals. More than 30 people each day are availing themselves of shower and washroom facilities, getting information, and speaking with disaster counselors.

Centre staff can provide a private place to discuss the ongoing situation and help residents find ways to cope.

In addition, Interior Health Authority has Environmental Health Officers available daily from 1-3 p.m. on site to answer questions.

Castlegar News