LEPS takes root in Langley City garden site

The Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS) will manage the new Linwood Park Community Garden site.

The City of Langley issued requests to three non-profits that already operate community gardens in Surrey and Langley Township.

“Staff reviewed the LEPS proposal and found they had all the necessary experience, qualification and resources to take on the operation and management of the Linwood Park Community Garden Site,” said manager of engineering services Kara Jefford, in a report to council.

LEPS estimates the cost of operating and maintaining the site to be $4,200 per year.

The proposed plot fee of $50 per plot based on 36 plots is anticipated to bring in $1,800 per year in revenue. A key deposit of $25 from each member will generate $900 of revenue. That means 100 per cent of annual fee would go towards LEPS for administration and coordination.

“During the public engagement period in fall 2014, residents who were polled about how much residents would be willing to pay to use the community gardens, the majority of interested residents indicated they would be willing to pay from $25 to $50 per year,” said Jefford.

An additional $1,500 in fundraising and grants would be essential in order to see the gardens successfully coordinated until the creation of a community garden association.

Councillor Dave Hall believes the group should be responsible for “balancing their books” on their own without support from the city.

While Coun. Val van den Broek has no problem with LEPS coming to the City for support, as she is “excited” to see the completed project.

“If they are going to do it, they should do it, and if they have to consider their costs maybe they should give it a second thought,” said Coun. Gayle Martin at a City council meeting on March 23.

Langley Advance