Veteran flag bearers prepare to lead the annual march.

Veteran flag bearers prepare to lead the annual march.

Lest we forget

Castlegar residents remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom

  • Nov. 13, 2014 6:00 a.m.

Chris Stedile

Castlegar News

Music played, songs were sung and most importantly, memories were kept alive.

On November 11, the City of Castlegar and it’s citizens remembered.

The annual Remembrance Day ceremonies took place at the Castlegar Cenotaph as those in attendance took the time to pay their respects to all of those who gave so much in times of war.

The event began at 10:30 a.m with a march from Columbia Avenue and Third Street to the Cenotaph at Kinsmen park.

The march included past and present members of the armed forces, RCMP, local police and fire department, cadets and scouts.

Upon arrival, a large ring was formed around the cenotaph and the ceremony took place.

Representatives delivered several heartfelt speeches from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, MP Alex Atamenenko and MLA Katrine Conroy, with songs of God Save the Queen and Last Rose of Summer performed in between.

Nearing the end of the ceremonies, many wreaths donated from various groups and businesses within Castlegar were brought up and placed before the Cenotaph.

After all the wreaths had been placed a moment of silence was had and a prayer said before those in attendance took their leave.

Castlegar News