LETTER: So much for freedom of the press

  • Feb. 6, 2015 11:00 a.m.

The Editor,

Re: OUR VIEW: An apology for dog column’s insensitivity

So much for freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

You didn’t even have the courage and backbone to defend one of your own journalist’s right to free speech. I can bet that I am not the only person who agrees with his opinion. He wasn’t advocating cruelty to animals and he wasn’t saying that what she did was ok.

What he was saying is let’s not forget that we should never put the value of a human being above an animal. An animal is an animal. Unfortunately, some people treat animals better than they treat their own kids and even go as far as calling their animals their ”children.”
Is it necessary to crucify two human beings in order to appease people who have lost touch with reality?

I like animals but I will never place them above a human. She never should have been sent to jail and you should be defending your journalist’s right to freedom of speech. As for those whiney bleeding hearts who say they won’t read your paper anymore, give me a break.

Ron Champagne


Surrey Now