Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Tireless efforts of Vanderhoof health care workers appreciated

We don't say thank you as often as we should

  • Sep. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.


To our health care workers in Vanderhoof,

You’re incredible!

We don’t say thank you as often as we should, especially during these times of struggle, uncertainty, and worry. But, since March 2020, you have been on the frontlines.

You have been taking care of us, comforting us, and fixing us when you can. It is easy to take things for granted and forget what it was like before the pandemic started – back when we met as a community to find ways of attracting and retaining maternity doctors and all healthcare workers for Vanderhoof.

The District of Vanderhoof sees the sacrifices you have had to make: putting in extra hours and extra shifts on top of your regular work schedule, all while trying to maintain the other commitments in life to family, friends, keeping your home, and everything in between. Your dedication to your community’s health has pulled you away from time with your loved ones, and we owe you a debt of gratitude for it.

We know that some residents are frustrated with the ever-changing situation, but know that your community still stands strong behind you.

The District of Vanderhoof’s Mayor and Council encourages the community to follow the direction of provincial health officials to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

We are encouraging the community to show their support for you, our health care workers, by doing their part to rolling up their sleeves and getting vaccinated.

One day, this pandemic will be over, the tensions of uncertainty will calm, and Vanderhoof will come out stronger together.

District of Vanderhoof

Mayor and Council

Vanderhoof Omineca Express