Letters, we get letters

Okanaganites are not afraid to voice an opinion — or in this case text, message, type or scribble it down on paper.

Letters, we get letters

Here’s a compendium of some of your thoughts which we received this week. Follow the link to read the original version.

Letter writer Richard Knight thinks a 12 year prison sentence for the man who stabbed Aimee Parkes 26 times, killing her, is too lenient. “This kind of sentencing for such a heinous crime does not help this [abuse against women] cause.”

Everyone has an opinion about the candidates running for US president. Art Ferguson doesn’t like contender Donald Trump for the office but says Trump has made some good points.

Stephen Boissoin believes Canadian law should be changed to convict someone of murder if they attack a pregnant woman and her fetus is killed as a result. “…Here in Canada a pregnant mother can be punched, kicked or stabbed in the belly and suffer the injury or death of her ‘wanted’ child and there is no legislation in existence to make the assault against the child a crime.”

Raymond Thériault rebuts comments from other letter writers to an earlier letter of his about carbon tax. “The statement that was made in my previous letter [Carbon Tax No Problem for Most, Oct. 12 Kelowna Capital News] was: ‘The numbers demonstrate that per capita, consumption of fuels fell 17 per cent between 2008 and 2012.’ Nowhere in the entirety of that letter was this attributed solely to carbon taxes.”

Commuter Kathryn Stoneman was miffed when she discovered a ticket on her car parked in a commercial parking lot. Practicing a widely-used and applauded environmentally sensitive practice, she had parked her car in the lot near a bus stop and continued her daily commute by public transit. “Maybe our city council and mayor can work with companies to provide parking for bus users or some sort of free park n’ ride.”

And finally, WHL Commissioner Ron Robison addressed criticism that the hockey league does not pay its players, ranging in age from 16 to 20. “WHL players are registered amateur hockey players in the Canadian amateur hockey system. Any change to the status of our players as amateur athletes would seriously jeopardize other amateur hockey organizations as we know it today.”


Kelowna Capital News