Letters, we get letters

Okanaganites love to voice an opinion — or in this case text, message, type or scribble it down on paper.

Letters, we get letters

Here’s a compendium of some of your thoughts which we received this week. Follow the link to read the original version.

On the BC Transit strike Kelowna drivers vs Canada First:

• “For people who don’t drive, are seniors, disabled, students, etc., public transit is an essential service.” Transit is an Essential Service, Jane Eamon letter.

• “For many public transportation is not just a matter of quality of life, it is essential for some degree of independence. Seniors could send taxi bills to the city while the transit strike.

• Politicians more concerned with re-election than resolving transit strike “[Local politicians] are too busy giving goodies right and left to save their bacon, or should I say caviar?”

• What is the motivator for First Canada to settle the strike? Who can the voters punish if the strike goes on for a long time?

On airlines looking for more ways to advertise cheap fares while charging for essentials.

Pay-by-weight flight prices. This idea comes from a letter writer who says: “Let us not be jerked about by cheap flights and have all the extra bullshit piled on top. You and your suit cases will stand on the scale you will pay so much per kilogram for your flight.”

Donald Trump was still fodder for letter writers.

• “Donald Trump is not going to help the poor or the middle class. He wants to repeal the health care act, have fewer bank regulations and for sure keep the minimum wage at current levels.”

• “Who do Americans choose: Someone with 30 years experience to get it right, and never has; or a newbie with no political experience?” Americans “were voting for the lesser of two evils.”

• The election of Donald Trump paves the way for inevitable destruction of humanity as we know it. “Gone are the naïve notions of universal truth … chaos has emerged from this vacuum.

Writers found sympathetic voices on the letters page when it comes to objecting to columnist’s opinion.

• A West Kelowna letter writer joined the chorus against a column critical of US president-elect Donald Trump and blamed such PC views for the backlash that resulted in Trump’s election success.

Water quality in Rose Valley is a huge issue for 11,00 residents who live there.

Rose Valley water quality a strain for families.

Tourism Kelowna’s redrawing of its proposed visitor centre to one storey from two on the waterfront boardwalk still doesn’t cut it.

• “While Tourism Kelowna says you can walk around the building, you cannot see around it. Our open spaces are not all potential building sites.”

If any electoral reform is to be made, it has to come long before the next election campaign.

Time to sound ‘taps’ on first past the post.


To submit your opinion on a local issue, email it to edit@kelownacapnews.com with Letter to the Editor in the subject line.

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