Nai'a's beautiful tresses will be cut of for wigs for cancer patients.

Nai'a's beautiful tresses will be cut of for wigs for cancer patients.

Letting her hair down for charity

Eight-year-old is cutting off her hair for Cops for Cancer fundraiser

Eight-year-old Nai’a Johnson will be chopping off her long, brown tresses as part of a Cops for Cancer fundraising effort.

Johnson, whose wavy hair cascades down past her waist, will be cutting it up to her ears for the Cops for Cancer head shave on Oct. 3 at Ecole Poirier elementary school.

The ballerina and Ecole Poirier student became inspired to be a part of the head shave after witnessing her peers shear off their locks last year.

“She was really impressed last year and talked about it when she came home from school last year, and kept talking about it,” said mother, Laura-Lee Johnson.

Nai’a also told her mother she wanted to help children with cancer feel happy, stronger and better.

For a girl who’s never had short hair, Nai’a said she is only, “a tiny bit” nervous about parting with her hair.

She set a fundraising goal of $2,000, which she met through efforts like receiving donations from friends and family and collecting bottles.

The severed hair, which will be over two-feet in length, will also be donated to make a wig for cancer patients.

To donate to Nai’a’s fundraising effort, go to:

The Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock will be in Sooke on Oct. 3. at Ecole Poirier.

Sooke News Mirror