Robin Goldsbury’s vandalized election sign. Part of image edited due to possible profanity. (Contributed)

Liberal election signs in Revelstoke vandalized

Liberal candidate Robin Goldsbury's election signs around Revelstoke are being defaced by vandals

  • Aug. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Vandals have been targeting Robin Goldsbury’s Liberal campaign signs in Revelstoke, over the last two weeks.

“It’s terrible what they’re doing,” said Peter Bernacki, a local volunteer with the Liberal party. “It’s not good for Revelstoke, and it gives a bad flavour to the community.”

Since the election was called on Aug. 15, residents have reported two separate incidents of vandalism and destruction of signs to the RCMP. Spray paint was used to either black out the signs or write messages.

“It’s not the first time,” said Bernacki. “Last year a group smashed all the signs. We go through a lot of trouble putting them up.”

According to Goldsbury, vandalism is par for the course come election time, but this year seems to be worse than usual.

“We expect a certain amount of blow back, but this election there seems to be a little more,” said Goldsbury in regards to the vandalism. “It’s like playing whack-a-mole: you deal with one issue and another one pops up. Respectful, inclusive dialogue is important.”

Despite the vandalism, Goldsbury said that her interactions with the public regarding this coming election have been positive and civilized.

The Revelstoke RCMP are conducting an on-going investigation in order to find whoever is responsible. In cases of vandalism, it can be very difficult to find the culprits, and police are asking for help from the public.

If you have any information regarding the vandalism of local election signs, please contact B.C. Crime Stoppers 24/7 tip line at 1-800-222-8477.

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