Lieutenant Governor of B.C. is welcomed in Fort St. James

On Sept. 12, Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, spent a day in Fort St. James.

  • Sep. 21, 2016 10:00 a.m.
Fort St. James Mayor, Rob MacDougall, Nak'azdli Chief, Alexander McKinnon, Lieutenant Governor, Judith Guichon, Fort St. James District Councillor, Dave Birdi and Angel Ransom from Nak'azdli Band.

Fort St. James Mayor, Rob MacDougall, Nak'azdli Chief, Alexander McKinnon, Lieutenant Governor, Judith Guichon, Fort St. James District Councillor, Dave Birdi and Angel Ransom from Nak'azdli Band.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

On Sept. 12, Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, spent a day in Fort St. James.

It was her first time in the Fort and the Lieutenant Governor was thrilled to meet, engage and learn more about the community.

The Seniors Centre in Fort St. James held a lunch in honour of Guichon’s visit.

“I am honoured be here and I thank you for the lovely welcome,” Guichon said.

“I know there is a lot of history here and from what I’ve seen so far, it is really spectacular here.”

The lieutenant Governor’s visit included a meet and greet with Fort St. James Mayor, Rob MacDougall and Council, a visit to the Community Garden, a presentation to all of the schools, a lunch at the Seniors Centre, a visit with Nak’azdli Chief and Council and lastly, a tour of the Historic Park.

“The purpose of this especially is to have the Lieutenant Governor meet the community,” said District Councillor of Fort St. James, Dave Birdi.

“It’s all about building relationships.”

Judith Guichon is the 29th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. Her appointment was made by Governor General of Canada, David Lloyd Johnston on Oct. 1, 2012.

On Nov. 2, 2012 Guichon was sworn in at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.

She serves as the viceregal representative of Queen Elizabeth II.

Guichon currently resides in the Nicola Valley with her husband, Bruno Mailloux.

The Lieutenant Governor, an avid rancher, received the Order of Canada for her contributions to agriculture in Canada.

She has also been involved in several organizations including a hospital board and Community Health Council, a Community Health Foundation Board and director of the Fraser Basin Council of B.C.

Guichon has also served as a 4-H leader and is a past president of the British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association.

With four children of her own, it’s obvious that Guichon remains passionate about children.

At Nak’albun Elementary School, Guichon was happy to answer questions from the students.

“I’m so happy to be here and to meet the children. They are our future,” Guichon said.

“This is an incredible province with incredible people. The energy here is so positive.”

For more information about the Lieutenant Governor, Judith Guichon, visit:




Caledonia Courier