Mayor Andy Adams lights the Shamash, befitting his role in the community as a public servant, during the Chabad Vancouver Island Menorah tour, which aims to bring the spirit of Chanukah to the general public during this festive time in the Jewish faith.

Mayor Andy Adams lights the Shamash, befitting his role in the community as a public servant, during the Chabad Vancouver Island Menorah tour, which aims to bring the spirit of Chanukah to the general public during this festive time in the Jewish faith.

Light of Chanukah more than just candles

Fifth time Menorah has been to Campbell River to share the message of the season from their faith to the general public

When you are faced with darkness, the light from one candle, lit by one person, will brighten it.

The light from many such candles, lit by many such people, can expel any darkness, no matter how dark.

That was the message of Rabbi Meir Kaplan, Director of Chabad Vancouver Island, based in Victoria, as he and his family toured an eight-foot menorah through the communities of the region to share the message of the season from their faith to the general public.

This was the fifth time Kaplan and the Menorah had been to Campbell River for this purpose.

Kaplan offered Campbell River mayor Andy Adams the opportunity to light the centre candle – called the Shamash (meaning “helper” or “servant”) – as it is befitting his role as a servant of the community.

“I’d like to thank Rabbi Kaplan for coming and sharing his message with our community,” Adams said, “which is that of dispelling the darkness around us with our good deeds, and that any one person can make a difference in this world.”

After a prayer was sung, the three other candles were lit – representing it being the third day of Chanukah – and those in attendance were offered to stay and enjoy Sufganiyot (Israeli jelly donuts), dreidels, gelt (chocolate coins) and the sounds of Chanukah to celebrate togetherness, hope and caring for others.

Campbell River Mirror