Lightening causes fire close to community of Clearwater

Severe thunder storms and lightening on May 27 was the cause of a fire

An airtanker drops ‘mud’ (fire retardant) on a fire up Silk Road in Clearwater May 27.

An airtanker drops ‘mud’ (fire retardant) on a fire up Silk Road in Clearwater May 27.

Severe thunder storms and lightening on May 27 was the cause of a fire approximately 4.5 km up Silk Road in Clearwater.

“That’s (Silk Road) approximately 6.6 km up Park Road from the roundabout,” said Jim Jones, manager of Clearwater Fire Zone.  “At 4:55 p.m. last Wednesday, there was a lightening strike in Larry Colborne’s woodlot which was a winter logging block. It grew to approximately three hectares then went into the standing timber above the block for another three hectares.” said Jones. “The standing timber is riddled with dead pine.”

“Two three-person Initial Attack crews were send out. Wadlegger’s excavator was hired to open up the roads, and air tankers ringed the fire with mud (fire retardant) and worked for a good hour or so,” said the Fire Zone manager.

“Thursday morning a 20 man unit crew and two three-person Initial Attack crews were on site, plus an excavator, dozer and two water tenders (trucks). By Thursday the fire was approximately 50 per cent contained and in patrol status by Saturday.”

As of Monday crews continued to patrol the fire. “No hot spots have been found since Saturday,” reported FPA Richard Swift.

When asked if there were any new fires, Swift reported there was a small one up Peddie Mountain and another one up the TFL.  Both are extinguished.



Barriere Star Journal