Lightening takes out water and electronics

lightning storm, barriere water system repairs

  • Sep. 5, 2011 11:00 a.m.

For the second year in a row, lightning has struck the District of Barriere’s water system.  Last year it was in early June that a lightning storm took out the electrical systems at the District’s pump house.  This year, it was the thunderstorm on Monday, August 29.

The District’s water patrol were busy handing out flyers requesting that the public please not use their sprinklers for a few days while the repairs were made.

District workers were still making repairs on Wednesday last week, and were hoping to have everything back to normal before the start of the Fall Fair.

A number of residences on Lodgepole Road reported power surges from a lightening strike in their vicinity as a result of the same storm that hit the District water system.  This strike knocked out the electronic systems in a number of televisions, satellite systems, telephones, and even knocked items that were on shelves or hanging on walls to the floor.

Other area residents reported an incredibly loud bang heard all over town after the strike.



Barriere Star Journal