BC Wildfire Service image of ongoing Shovel Lake wildfire. The fire is currently active at 86,397 hectares as of Aug. 21.

BC Wildfire Service image of ongoing Shovel Lake wildfire. The fire is currently active at 86,397 hectares as of Aug. 21.

Lightning blamed for most recent regional fires

Southeast Fire Centre says 90 per cent of the 342 fires recently reported are lightning-caused

Nearly all of the fires that started around the region over the last month were caused by lighting, according to the Southeast Fire Centre.

Between July 19 and Aug. 19, there have been 342 wildfire starts, of which 90 per cent are being blamed by lightning.

Steady progress is being made by the B.C. Wildfire Service on those fires, in spite of challening weather conditions adn heightened fire danger rating, according to a press release.

Of those 342 lightning-caused wildfires, 177 have been declared out, 28 are under control, 24 are being held and 95 are classified as out of control.

Less than a third of the fires that over the last month remain out of control, and of those fires, 34 are in modified response and 38 are modify-only.

Given that success in wildfire supression, the Southeast Fire Centre says it is able to focus resources on 23 remaining prioirity fires that are receiving sustained action.

The Southeast Fire Centre also provided definitions for response strategies, that include Full Response – Sustained, Full Response – Modified and Full Response – Monitor Only.

Full Response – Sustained means that a wildfire requires agressive and sustained suppression action until it is declared out.

Full Response – Modified means the fire is managed with a combination of suppression techniques that include direct and indirect attack, and monitoring to steer, contain and manage fire activity within a predetermined perimeter.

Full Response – Monitor-Only means that it is observed and assessed to determine an appropriate response that minimizes social disruption while protecting values and resources and achieving ecological and resource management objectives.

Cranbrook Townsman