Lightning storms cause 25 fires in Revelstoke area

Big lightning storms over past two days resulted in additional 11 wildfires around Revelstoke, bringing total number of active fires to 25.

Big lightning storms over the past two days have resulted in an additional 11 wildfires around Revelstoke, bringing the total number of fires burning in the area to 25.

“In the Columbia Zone right now there are 25 fires burning and they are all lightning caused,” fire information officer Jordan Turner told the Times Review.

Revelstokians were treated to spectacular lightning displays early Monday morning and in the middle of the afternoon. The lightning strikes caused a number of spot fires to ignite.

Of the 25 fires burning in the area, 21 are small, said Turner. Four are bigger than one hectare.

A 16.6-hectare fire near Camp Creek just north of the Goldstream River that started on July 27 continues to burn. The fire has been contained and firefighters are patrolling the blaze.

A 10-hectare fire near Jumping Creek west of Revelstoke started on August 10 and continues to burn. There is also a five-hectare fire near the Wood Arm of Kinbasket Lake and a four-hectare fire near the Illecillewaet River west of Revelstoke.

“No fires at all in the Southeast Fire Centre are any risk to homes, roads and structures,” said Turner. “They’re all very remote fires.”

There has been 88 fires across the Southeast Fire Centre since last Thursday – all caused by lightning. So far this year there has been 207 fires in the southeast that have burned 320 hectares.

There is a 75-hectare fire burning near Duncan Lake southwest of Trout Lake.

The fire danger is rated high in most of the Revelstoke area, with pockets of extreme north of Mica.

The temperature is expected to approach 30 C on Wednesday before cooler and wetter weather moves into the region on Thursday, according to Environment Canada.

“We’d like the public to be extra vigilant with any campfires and report any wildfires or unattended campfires to our reporting line,” said Turner.

He asked the public report all wildfires or unattended campfires to the Southeast Fire Centre by calling 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone.





Revelstoke Times Review