Lingerie, bathing suits taken in theft

Sweet Talk & Lace Lingerie in Sidney was the victim of a break-in Sept. 1.

  • Sep. 7, 2011 7:00 a.m.

Sweet Talk & Lace Lingerie in Sidney was the victim of a break-in Sept. 1.

Sometime overnight thieves broke in through the back door of the Beacon Avenue shop and made off with a small number of bathing suits and lingerie items.

“We don’t keep any cash on the premises,” said owner Marie Rosko.

The shop recently expanded and Rosko said break-ins along Beacon Avenue are rare. “There was not too much damage to speak of,” she said.

Rosko described the  rear door to the shop as “very heavy”.

“It must have taken them some time to get in,” she said.

Sidney North Saanich RCMP is investigating the break-in.

Peninsula News Review