Lion’s Club spearhead housing project

In the spring, the Quesnel Lions Club sought the communities input regarding potential projects which the club could undertake.

In the spring, the Quesnel Lions Club sought the communities input regarding potential projects which the club could undertake.

We did this by asking area residents to fill out a survey which asked what direction they thought the club should head, with regards to a major community project.

With over 200 surveys in hand, the club deliberated on the wishes of the community.

The majority of respondents indicated that a “Housing” project was what was needed in Quesnel and, more specifically, a “Seniors” housing project.

In May, the club announced that indeed we would pursue the goal of building a seniors housing project and to that end we have been busy laying the ground work to achieve that goal.

Since May, a newly created Lions Housing committee has been analyzing different types of seniors housing options.

We have had many resources to draw upon to help us narrow our focus.

Other Lion’s Clubs, community groups and local committees have all provided exceptional feedback on what sort of seniors housing project we might embark on.

Important factors such as client affordability, possible facility care options and overall project size and design must all be considered.

The Quesnel Lions Housing Committee will also be conducting visitations to seniors’ housing projects locally, and to other regions, to see first hand what has been done and what works.

By the fall, we will have narrowed our focus as to which type of seniors’ housing project we will move forward with, as well, we hope to have a comprehensive business plan in the works.

In tandem with this process we are diligently following up with potential property donors as no project can get off the ground without property to build on.

If any member of the community would like to discuss the prospect of donating property to our project we would love to sit down and discuss the opportunity.

We know there are like-minded individuals out there who also see the need for affordable, safe and available seniors housing in Quesnel.

Our door at the Lion’s Club is always open and we welcome your feedback and conversation on this very important project.  You can reach the club on Facebook (Quesnel Lion’s Club), or by e-mail,, or by phone, 250-747-3758.

As chair of the Lion’s Housing Committee, I would also like to hear from you.  I can be reached by e-mail or phone 250-983-6784.


–Submitted by Mitch Vik


Quesnel Cariboo Observer