Little Idle No More activity in the Columbia Valley

The Idle No More movement has been relatively quiet in the valley.

During the month of January in which numerous protests have taken place all over Canada, the Idle No More movement has been relatively quiet in the valley.

Adrian Bergles, the communications co-ordinator for Akisqnuk First Nation, told The Valley Echo that the band has not taken an official position on the national campaign.

“At a community level, there may be participants,” he said. “But the band itself hasn’t taken any official position.”

Bergles explained that there hasn’t been any discussion from council specifically about those topics as broad, general issues rarely see an official position taken at Akisqnuk.

A grassroots protest involving a handful of Akisqnuk residents, lasting roughly five minutes, took place in front of the band office on December 21.

“People might have opinions; individual community members may be involved,” Bergles explained. “But from the band’s perspective, there hasn’t been any discussion specifically about pipelines, navigable waters act, even idle no more – there just hasn’t been any kind of official position taken.

“There’s lots of work to do here in the Columbia Valley here at the Akisqnuk First Nation and that’s the focus.”

The Shuswap Band could not be reached for comment.


Invermere Valley Echo