The donation by LNG Canada will support in-class and online learning for SD82 students, as well as JABC TechWorks, a program that introduces students to tech and tech-related careers. (Black Press file photo)

The donation by LNG Canada will support in-class and online learning for SD82 students, as well as JABC TechWorks, a program that introduces students to tech and tech-related careers. (Black Press file photo)

LNG Canada commits $50,000 to support B.C. students

Half of the money will support online and in-class learning for Coast Mountains School District 82

  • Oct. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

LNG Canada has committed $50,000 to help deliver entrepreneurship programs and school readiness to students in B.C. for the 2020-2021 school year.

The money will be divided in half, with $25,000 going towards online and in-classroom program expansion to students in Grades Four to 12 in Coast Mountains School District 82.

The other $25,000 will go to JABC TechWorks, a program by JA British Columbia, a group that leads youth business education programs and helps students learn about financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

The program aims to introduce B.C. high school students to a variety of tech and tech-related careers. The funding will help expand the program province-wide in Spring 2021, to help give students across the provide a chance to participate and learn.

“The financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship programming and educational opportunities provided by JABC align directly with our social investment pillar of supporting community wellness and education,” Susannah Pierce, director of corporate affairs at LNG Canada, said. “The LNG terminal we are building in Kitimat will use state-of-the-art technology and our hope is that students will be inspired by the TechWorks program and potentially chose to work at our facility one day.”

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Kitimat Northern Sentinel