Birds in Motion presentation coming to KHMR.

Birds in Motion presentation coming to KHMR.

Local birds of prey focus of upcoming KHMR presentation

See birds soaring from the mountain top at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort’s Birds in Motion presentation.

See birds soaring from the mountain top at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort’s Birds in Motion presentation.

Put on by the Canadian Raptor Conservancy, Birds in Motion gives you a chance to see five birds of prey gliding at 7,700 feet at the top of the gondola.

“Our organization is there to educate people about birds of prey,” said James Cowan, director of the Canadian Raptor Conservancy. The organization is home to more than 240 birds at their facility in Ontario.

They spend a lot of their time travelling the country, teaching people about Canada’s bird population, and particularly what’s in their own backyard.

“We talk about birds of prey, their habitat and preservation. But we find that people mostly want to learn about what they can see in their own region,” said Cowan.

The half-hour presentation is designed for the whole family, ages two and up, and requires no background knowledge on birds.

“We know the crowd won’t be just full of bird watchers and experts. But hopefully we’ll convert a few into avid bird watchers while we’re there,” said Cowan.

The two presenters will be bringing five birds of prey, including an eagle, vulcher, and falcon. And 90 per cent of the birds they talk about can be found in B.C.

There will be two daily shows at the top of the gondola at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort from Aug. 15 to 19. Go to for more details.


Golden Star