Local cadets off to summer training

Cadets in sea, air and army are heading to training programs in B.C. and Alberta.

  • Jul. 13, 2016 10:00 a.m.
Local cadets are off to various training programs in B.C. and Alberta over the summer.

Local cadets are off to various training programs in B.C. and Alberta over the summer.

Canadian Rockies International Airport was a busy place on Sunday morning, July 10. Over 60 Sea, Army and Air Cadets gathered to board a charter flight, which would be taking them closer to their summer training destination.

Youth 12 – 18, from West & East Kootenay Region have been selected to attend a 2, 3 or 6 week Summer Training Course at one of the British Columbia and Alberta Cadet Training Centers.

For many of these cadets, it was their first time traveling away from home. They were all nervous – excited. Depending on the Cadet Training Center destination, some cadets will have travelled on all modes of transportation – car, bus, airplane and ferry.

Summer Training is an optional component of the Cadet Training Program and cadets earn a training bonus for attending.

Courses are designed to enhance the cadets’ leadership, comradeship, and personal skills, as well as, gaining knowledge in that particular subject matter.

Some courses are specific to the training element they are in, while General Training, Drill & Ceremonial, Sports & Fitness and Music courses include cadets from all three elements – Sea, Army and Air.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman