WL McLeod Elementary School students participated in a Pink Shirt Day walk on Feb. 27, to stand up against bullying. L to R - Ashton Leigh, Thomas McKeeman, Greyson Randall. (Aman Parhar photo)

WL McLeod Elementary School students participated in a Pink Shirt Day walk on Feb. 27, to stand up against bullying. L to R - Ashton Leigh, Thomas McKeeman, Greyson Randall. (Aman Parhar photo)

Local elementary school a finalist for Spirit of Healthy Kids Regional Program

W.L. McLeod will participate in a two-week challenge to win $5000.

  • Nov. 28, 2019 12:00 a.m.

W.L. McLeod Elementary school has been chosen as one of six finalists in the region for Spirit of Healthy Kids Regional Program.

Schools across the region participate in this program, to promote the importance of physical activity and reading; and to encourage healthy and philanthropic behaviours such has being kind, helping friends, family and the community.

As part of the program, schools will participate in a two-week challenge, where students will complete an activity tracking log, that tracks kindness, physical activity and reading.

Libby Hart, principal of W.L. McLeod said the aim is to get all students to participate in the challenge. Every individual student entry will get the school closer to winning the challenge, as it will add up to the school tally.

Winner of the challenge qualifies for the Imagine Grant of $5000. Other participating schools qualify for five separate Imagine Grants of $1000 each.

“For our project, we decided we wanted to do a Giving Back project,” said Hart.

The elementary school based their project on sustaining their backpack program, where they ensure that food is provided to families who need support, over the weekend.

“We want to give families more healthy options, as healthy food is more expensive,” the principal said.

The school did a proposal for $1000 where in addition to supporting the backpack program, Hart said, they wanted to add passes for the pool to encourage physical activity as well.

The school is putting a call out to residents of the community for support.

“We are going to do a food drive and if there is anything the community would like to do, by supporting with some extra food for the backpack program,” Hart said.

“I would love to have the community behind us, supporting us so we can provide healthy options to families in need.”

Spirit of Healthy Kids Regional Program is a partnership between Northern Health, the Prince George Cougars and the Spirit of the North Health Care Foundation.

Aman Parhar
Editor, Vanderhoof Omineca Express
aman.parhar@ominecaexpress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Vanderhoof Omineca Express