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Local government bodies host coronavirus info web pages

FVRD, Harrison, Kent have unique info portals

  • Apr. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

When it comes to battling coronavirus, information is key.

The District of Kent, Harrison Hot Springs and the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) now all host online COVID-19 information hubs.

The FVRD page is available on and by clicking the notification at the top of the page. The page goes through the current situation regardidng the pandemic as well as a list of important conact numbers, emails and relevant links for FVRD staff. The FVRD is still operating business as usual as staff are working remotely. However, response times will be slower than normal. There is also a complete list of parks and recreation areas within the FVRD that are closed.

RELATED: District of Kent launches COVID-19 hub

Like the FVRD, the District of Kent’s COVID-19 hub is located at the top of In this hub, there is a complete list of local responses to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, including closures, tax breaks and restrictions. The information page also lists medical precautions residents can take to help avoid contracting or spreading coronavirus. Below that is a list of of ways you can get support through the federal and provincial governments as well as links to important healthcare information pages and phone numbers.

RELATED: Harrison to continue visitor deterring measures, beef up COVID-19 rule enforcement

Harrison Hot Springs has posted their information portal on their bulletin board, located toward the bottom of the home page,, under bulletin board. At the top of their page is a list of important local, provincial and federal reseources for information and aid related to the pandemic. Below that is a complete list of press releases and relevant notices from the village about their responses to the pandemic as well as general information on health precautions.

All pages are frequently updated as information is available and responses continue.

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