Local Nakusp man takes RCMP on cross country chase around town

Nakusp RCMP were involved in a short car chase that turned into a longer foot pursuit on Thursday, April 18

Nakusp RCMP were involved in a short car chase that turned into a longer foot pursuit on Thursday, April 18. Around 3:45 p.m. an officer tried to stop a pickup near Broadway and Nelson Avenue, but instead of stopping the truck sped away, into the marina parking lot.

Hitting an empty parked car, the driver, a 40-year-old Nakusp resident, jumped out of the truck and ran up toward Broadway Ave. When the police officer, hot in pursuit, arrived on scene, he was given a tip that the man had run into a store.

As soon as the officer was in the front door, the fleeing man ran out the back, and the chase was on again.

Although the man from the pickup lost the RCMP at this point, backup was called in and a search was started. Eventually the 40-year-old was seen near where the Kuskanax River and Highway 23 cross.

But he wasn’t throwing in the towel just yet: the fugitive continued to run, wading through chest-high water to the other side of the river, running away from the bank and into the woods.

The police were also determined, and continued their search until they found the suspect on a Canyon Road property. As soon as he saw the officers, the man was ready to flee, but a flying tackle from one officer put all thoughts of further escape to rest. After a brief struggle, the man was finally taken into custody.

“It was the most action we’ve seen all year,” said Corporal Ryan Fehler, commenting on the length of the chase. Fehler was called in to assist with the mini manhunt on a day off.

After a more than hour-long chase, the fellow was found to be driving without a license or insurance, and in breach of probation out of Princeton.

Charges being recommended by the police are flight from police, resisting arrest, and failing to remain on the scene of an accident. The pickup was impounded and a ticket for driving without insurance was issued.

On behalf of the Nakusp RCMP Fehler thanked the public who helped in the pursuit: “Your help was truly appreciated.”


Arrow Lakes News