Local politicians not in it for community

Cobble Hill – Re: Don Swiatlowski’s letter, “Drought used as an excuse for CVRD empire building” I am in total agreement with Mr. Swiatlowski’s comments but sadly, he assumes that the politicians live in the same world as we, the taxpayers. They do not – never did, never will. Oh wait, except at election time and then only for as short a period as possible.

The last elections placed a whole lot of new faces into the local political community but I really don’t expect anything to change. How long will it be before all those eager and fresh-faced novices give up on their lofty pre-election promises and join the ranks of the incumbents?

He also assumes that they are there to ensure that all their efforts are for the good of the community. If only that were true.

It matters not one iota to any of them whether a proposal is good or excellent for the community. If it is put forward by a rival, they will, in all likelihood, vote against it or form yet another expensive committee to discuss it forever. They are there for whatever political points they can score. In other words, “What’s in it for me?” Hiring of consultants? Best forget any comments concerning that subject for fear of being

sued by those involved.

Readers may remember a somewhat naughty Dolly Parton movie from the ’80s entitled The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas. In one scene a local politician is questioned by the press about nefarious activities at that particular establishment. He ponders seriously and responds with a song, the main words of which are “I like to dance a little sidestep” which answers nothing and leaves the baffled reporters and public asking themselves “What did he say?” Cynical? Yes, but we’re not dealing with Robin Hood and his merry band here are we?

Mike Wilson Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen