Mario Melisse from Mind Audio Solutions expands his business in the Creston Valley Area

Mario Melisse from Mind Audio Solutions expands his business in the Creston Valley Area

Local resident focuses business on emerging musicians in the Creston Valley

Local resident Mario Melisse is passionate about music.

  • Oct. 4, 2017 6:00 p.m.

Local resident Mario Melisse is passionate about music. Mario has expanded his company Mindful Audio Solution, a business that focuses on up and coming musicians in the Creston Valley Area.

“My vision is to support emerging musicians with equipment for sound, multitrack recording, mixing and producing saving musicians the expense of renting equipment from a company located out of town which can be very expensive.”

Mario grew up overseas, in Holland, where he learned to play bass guitar from the early age of 15. He found himself submerged in the local indie/punk scene. This involvement at such an early age helped spur on an employment opportunity. “At the age of 15, I was building and servicing quite a number of different instruments for people”

In Mario’s early twenties he moved to Ireland where he was exposed to the public-house circuit. Mario involved himself with running open mic nights in Wicklow Town, located just about an hour south of Dublin, at the northern end of the Glen Imaal.

“It was a very rich time with merging styles, new approaches to instruments and the playing styles that come with that.”

Mario graduated a Goldsmith Apprentice during his stay in Dublin, Ireland. After graduation, Mario was asked to teach an “artist in residence” course for transitional year students. “I found that I really enjoy teaching and that I am good at it,” Mario quipped.

Since his arrival in Creston, Mario and his wife have provided skilled audio engineering services to a number of local platforms throughout the Creston Valley Area. (Examples include the Snoring Sasquatch, Creston District Community Complex, Ramada 3EH Outdoor Stage and Yahk Summerfest.)

“In addition to providing audio sound equipment to the Creston Valley area, I am currently setting up courses to support local bands in fine-tuning their sound to make a successful recording. This will enable musicians to get stage time and exposure without having to rely on expensive audio engineers. Putting bands one step closer to sharing their music.” It is a very welcome helping hand for struggling musicians.

Currently, Mario is attending a self-employment program held through the Kootenay Employment Services (KES) to help him implement his teaching courses into his current business model and streamline his business.

KES presently runs three different types of self-employment programs for the residents of the Creston Valley area. The goal of all 3 programs is to encourage small business development that complements existing businesses. For more information on the KES self-employment programs available contact

You can find out more about Mindful Audio Sounds and Mario Melisse on the internet at

Creston Valley Advance