Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue assisted an injured hiker who was only accessible by water in the Deer Lake area earlier this month. B.C. Ambulance Services and park rangers assisted. (Photos/Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue)

Local Search and Rescue delivers safety information

Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue members will be at the Harrison Lake boat launch Friday, Saturday

  • May. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Safety is especially important as the first long weekend of the summer season looms.

Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue members will be a the Harrison Lake boat launch passing out safety information starting Friday at 3:30 pm. through 7 p.m. and on Saturday (May 22) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

RELATED: B.C. sees spike in search and rescue calls ahead of COVID-19 restrictions easing

RELATED: Busy weekend for Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue

According to the RCMP, the past three years have seen a steady increase in calls from people needing help in lakes, parks and forest service roads across the Fraser Valley RCMP and regional Search and Rescue teams along with AdventureSmart remind the public to plan before leaving for the great outdoors, carry the proper equipment and to know and stay within the limits of your skills.

There is no charge for search and rescue calls. In case of emergencies, dial 911.

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer