Bloomer Creek (Betsy Kline/Castlegar News)

Bloomer Creek (Betsy Kline/Castlegar News)

Localized flooding on Bloomer Creek

Castlegar's Oglow subdivision experienced some flooding due to failure of a private culvert.

Localized flooding has occurred on Bloomer Creek, near Meadowlark Lane in the Oglow subdivision of Castlegar.

According to a City of Castlegar press release: “On April 16, 2018, heavy rain and the runoff from a record high snowpack caused a private undersized culvert to surcharge causing localized flooding concerns. City crews worked through the night to ensure the adjacent house was safe from eroding banks.”

The city is cautioning residents that creeks and streams are rising and increased flows may be seen.

“Residents are advised to use extra care and attention around local creeks. Hikers and walkers should be aware that fast-moving water may cause some creek bank erosion and creek bank edges may not be stable,” said the press release.

City crews will be monitoring trouble spots — clearing culverts and other blockages that could lead to flooding. Anyone noticing a potential problem or a flooding concern is asked to call the Castlegar Fire Department at 911.

The current flooding is unrelated to the slide and flooding that happened last spring. A contractor is currently working on the Bloomer Creek slide area and work is expected to completed in about two weeks.

Castlegar News