The 9PM Routine locks out crimes of opportunity as residents are reminded to do nightly security checks. (File)

Lockout property crime with this routine: Vernon Mounties

Healthy habits to fall back on to prevent crimes of opportunity

  • Sep. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Police are reminding residents to take a stand against property crime by adopting prevention habits.

The 9PM Routine, originally launched by the Pasco Sheriff’s Office and now adopted across North America, is a crime-prevention strategy that takes aim against property crimes and crimes of opportunity.

Thefts from homes and vehicles is a crime of opportunity as thieves take advantage of doors left unlocked to snag valuables left in plain sight.

This campaign encourages residents to make a habit out of conducting security checks of their home and vehicles at 9 p.m. to ensure everything is secure.

The 9PM Routine has some easy steps:

• Remove spare keys, garage door openers, electronics and other valuables from vehicles;

• Ensure home and vehicle doors and windows are shut and locked;

• Put away and secure all items around your home;

• Secure your shed and outbuildings.

“Leaving valuables in plain sight in your vehicle or around your home is an open invitation for someone to steal them,” Vernon North Okanagan RCMP media relations officer Const. Chris Terleski said.

“Don’t make yourself an easy target. By taking part in the 9PM Routine and securing your property you are making a significant contribution to reducing and preventing this type of crime in our community.”

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