JACK Talstra Way is the main entry point to the Skeena Industrial Development Park where logging of a forested section begins today.

JACK Talstra Way is the main entry point to the Skeena Industrial Development Park where logging of a forested section begins today.

Logging starts today at Terrace industrial park

Chinese-entity aims at establishing industrial presence in northwestern B.C.

  • Dec. 7, 2016 8:00 a.m.

LOGGING starts today of a large section of the Skeena Industrial Development Park on which its Chinese owners hope one day to establish an industrial presence.

To be cleared over the next 90 days is approximately 295 acres representing approximately 25 per cent of the 1,200 acres owned by the Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone which in turn is represented in Canada by Burnaby-based Taisheng International Investment Services.

The City of Terrace-controlled Skeena Industrial Development Park is approximately 2,000 acres in size and the Chinese economic zone purchased its portion from the city in 2014.

Westland Resources Ltd. of Terrace has the contract to oversee the clearing while Jock’s Excavating of Terrace has the contract to clear and grub the section.

The work is being described by the city as “Phase I” of the overall Taisheng/Qinhuangdao plan for an eventual industrial presence at the park.

“Taisheng has shown an effort to include local industry and reduce waste on this project,” reads a city release.

“Log offers and sales to local (Terrace and Smithers) sawmills are in place for all merchantable wood in the cleared area,” the release continues.

Exactly what kind of industry may eventually appear on the Chinese-owned land isn’t known but following the 2014 sale, an alfalfa processing plant was indicated as a strong possible first project.

Alfalfa would be brought in by rail from the Prairies and processed into a protein-rich form and shipped onward to China for use as a feed-grade for livestock and as a protein for human consumption.

The land to be cleared is located on Jack Talstra Way, the main entry point to the industrial park which is located off of Hwy37 South south of the Northwest Regional Airport. The work will not be visible from the highway.

Terrace Standard