Looking for Block Watch volunteers

Looking for Block Watch volunteers

Barriere Block Watch in need of volunteer captains to get program underway

Barriere RCMP report they are currently working with the Barriere Community Consultative Group to develop a Barriere and Area Block Watch Program.

“Block Watch is a program of neighbours helping neighbours,” says Barriere RCMP Corporal Rob Welsman, “A Block Watch forms a communication chain for residents in the community to share information on suspicious activity, such as property crime occurring in the community.”

Barriere Community Consultative Group member Jim Secord says, “This is a very useful tool in keeping down crime, violence, bullying, theft, and ensuring child safety in our town. The District of Barriere has voted to pay membership fees for approved applicants, but we need the help and participation of local residents to make this program happen.””

Welsman says the RCMP are now seeking interested volunteers for the Block Watch Program to serve in the role of team captain. He notes the responsibilities of volunteer Team Captains include:

– Completing an application form with a background check

– Attending a training and information session provided by the RCMP

– Recruiting interested local residents as members

– Holding a yearly meeting

– Acting as a liaison between the Barriere RCMP and Block Watch Program participants by providing information on recent crime

– Assisting in posting Block Watch signs in the community

Anyone interested in volunteering for the position of a team captain should contact Corporal Rob Welsman by email at: robert.welsman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, or at the Barriere RCMP Detachment (250-672-9918) by April 24, 2019.

The Block Watch Program is a free community-based crime prevention program administered by local police. Residents on a street or in a neighbourhood form a communication chain, aided by a block map of names, telephone numbers, and addresses. They make a commitment to watch out for each other’s homes, and report suspicious activities to the police and to each other. They also keep each other informed about neighbourhood occurrences, burglary, thefts, and other crimes or problems occurring on their street.

The next meeting of the Barriere Community Consultative Group will take place on Thursday, Apr. 25, 4 p.m., at the Ridge (Municipal Hall) in Barriere, and Barriere residents are encouraged to attend, or you can contact Jim Secord at hotrodjim-34@hotmail.ca or call 250-320-3477.

Barriere Star Journal