Looking like development cost charges going up in Regional District of Nanaimo

After eight years of roughly four per cent increases, DCCs for a single-family home will go up 37 per cent when compared to today's rate

The RDN is considering a 37 per cent increase in development cost charges (DCCs) for sewer services in the Parksville Qualicum Beach area.

The DCCs are charged on lot subdivisions in the Northern Community Sewer Service Area to recover the increased infrastructure costs but they haven’t increased since 2009, Sean De Pol, Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) manager of wastewater services told Parksville council Monday.

“The last time we updated the DCC bylaw and the rates was in 2008, and they took effect in 2009. So it’s been eight years since they’ve last been increased,” he said.

“Through compound interest on an annual basis the increase has been approximately four per cent per year,” he said admitting “the one time hit appears large, but on an annual basis it’s in line with the rest of the budget, about the same increase we see on our operational budget.”

DCCs are generally paid at the time of lot subdivision, not when building, meaning “fully-serviced” lots have already paid, he said.

In Parksville and Qualicum Beach DCCs are paid to the municipal governments who pass the sewer portion on to the RDN.

The sewer service charge for a single family dwelling will increase from $7,337 to $10,067 per unit. The charge for multi-family developments will increase from $53.95 to $76.01 per square metre.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News