Shelly Glover answers a question during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Monday March 23, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Shelly Glover answers a question during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Monday March 23, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Losing candidate for Manitoba Tory leadership wants swearing-in delayed

Shelley Glover does not want to discuss details, previously spoke of ballot timing issues

The losing candidate in the race to become Manitoba’s next premier is challenging the results and wants the winner’s swearing-in delayed.

Shelly Glover, who came up short with 49 per cent of the ballot count in the Progressive Conservative leadership race, has, through her lawyer, written to Manitoba’s lieutenant-governor.

Glover’s lawyer is asking that the swearing-in of Heather Stefanson as premier be delayed so that Glover can contest the outcome of the leadership vote in court.

Glover does not want to discuss details, as the matter will be before the courts, but has previously said many Tory members did not receive ballots in time to vote.

The head of the Tory leadership election committee said on the weekend every effort was made to allow people to vote and no one was deliberately denied a ballot.

The party has recognized Stefanson as the winner and she is expected to be sworn in as premier in the coming days.

—The Canadian Press

RELATED: Manitoba Tories choose Heather Stefanson as new leader, next premier

Conservative Party of CanadaManitoba