Lost four-by-four adventure-seekers found off the Kettle Valley Railway in Kelowna

Two men missing after their four-by-four vehicle got stuck in the snow along the Kettle Valley Railway have been airlifted to safety

  • Jan. 23, 2013 9:00 a.m.

Two men reported missing on snowmobiles off the Gillard Forest Service Road have been airlifted to safety.

Early this morning, family members of the men, aged 21 and 24 years old, called police saying the pair had gone four-by-fouring and gotten stuck in the snow on the Kettle Valley Railway trail, calling family after they got lost trying to walk out.

“The family member went looking for them and, when the cell phone went dead, they called the police. Search and Rescue was called out and the RCMP helicopter Air 3 went up at first daylight,” said Cpl. Tania Carroll in a statement released to media Wednesday afternoon.

The men were spotted by the helicopter crew at 8:30 a.m. and appeared to be suffering from frostbite and hypothermia.  Neither were dressed for the weather, and it’s not known whether they had water and food with them.

The helicopter was able to land, pick the pair up and take them to hospital for medical assessments.

“It’s important to note that this story could have ended very poorly for these two men. They are very lucky that they were spotted when they were, despite having left their vehicle,” the statement said. “One of the rules of any outdoor adventure is to be prepared with proper clothing and supplies and to stay where someone can find you.”

Kelowna Capital News