Lots of cheer at Salmon Arm Secondary

Student Jasmine Lam writes a column about all the activities at Salmon Arm Secondary throughout December.

  • Jan. 3, 2017 7:00 a.m.
Student Jasmine Lam

Student Jasmine Lam

By Jasmine Lam

The month of December was one filled with holiday spirit as Christmas, as well as the holiday break, were just around the corner. December began with the graduation interviews going off without a hitch. Walking down the hallways, you could see that every student was dressed to impress, ready to take on the challenges of the real world.

Later on in the month, the Jackson bands put on their annual Winter Concert. This year marked the debut of the first junior Jazz Combo ever to be showcased, where a group of young students showed off their huge and blossoming potential for the art of jazz. The band played some wonderful classics, such as “Let it Snow,” in which a student lent her wonderful vocal talents, wowing and silencing the packed crowd.

The student leadership team also set up the giving tree, a tree where students donate lightly used clothing items to be donated to the Women’s Shelter. Underneath the tree, students placed non-perishable food items to go to our local food bank. The leadership team also set up candy grams, a service that delivers a candy cane and a special note to whomever the student wishes to send a little message.

The year ended with the school’s annual talent show, in which students volunteer to showcase their talent in any way they choose. This year, we saw stand-up comedy, singing, ukulele playing, and even some students attempting to break world records. The much anticipated Snowball Dance was in fact delayed until Jan. 12th, due to the sewage smell and poor ventilation in the school.

As the month of December and a great year came to an end, we look forward to the Sullivan bands touring  School District #83 in their annual January band tour.

Salmon Arm Observer