Lots of upcoming events at the Terrace Legion

The Legion thanks the various groups who brought out so many young people who marched in the Remembrance Day parade

  • Nov. 15, 2016 6:00 p.m.
Mary Ann Misfeldt marches in the Remembrance Day parade to the cenotaph.

Mary Ann Misfeldt marches in the Remembrance Day parade to the cenotaph.

By Mary Ann Misfeldt

Branch #13 Legion News

Although the contingent of Veterans was small, the rest of the parade on Nov. 11th was huge.

It was wonderful to see so many children marching and the Branch would like to thank the leaders of the various groups for the effort they expend to bring the young folk out and instill in them some understanding of past history and respect for those who were willing to give of themselves to protect our great country – respect for all Veterans, past and present.. We deeply appreciate all the marching groups as well as the good people of the area who lined the streets and those who worked behind the scenes.

The day after Remembrance Day, the November general meeting was held and the Branch was pleased to approve several applications for membership.

Cde. Reddy informed the meeting that there were 22 members who have not renewed as yet. If you are one of the 22, now would be a good time to take care of it.

A vote of thanks was given to President Crompton for once again achieving great results in the tremendous task of overseeing the Poppy Campaign. Cde. Crompton expressed his thanks for the tremendous support received from businesses and residents of the area.

A total of $4,000 was approved to be presented to three community groups to assist them with their excellent works in the Terrace area.

Cde. Burroughs, as Ways and Means Chairman, extended his appreciation to all those who have generously donated to the chair replacement program that has been going on. They will help to give the Branch a new facelift.

Under upcoming events, Cde. Millar reminded everyone of the Grey Cup Party happening on Nov.27th., Choir Night on Dec.17th and the regular Steak Night on the first Friday of each month as well as Saturday afternoon Meat Draws.

A brief discussion was held on having a special event to recognize the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge next April. It was duly noted and will be worked on in the coming months. Ideas are welcome.

The nominating committee presented a prospective slate of officers for the ensuing term. This will come up for voting at the next meeting – 2 p.m. Saturday, December 10th in the Branch.

At that time, the floor will be opened for further candidates to be nominated. Do not miss this meeting. As a member, it is your duty to attend if possible. As a caring Legionaire, it is your chance to have a say in who runs the day by day operations of YOUR Branch.

We Will Remember Them

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