A war memorial (background) has been erected in Lower Nicola to commemorate locals who have served in the armed forces for Canada. (Jake Courtepatte/Capital News)

A war memorial (background) has been erected in Lower Nicola to commemorate locals who have served in the armed forces for Canada. (Jake Courtepatte/Capital News)

Lower Nicola monument unveiled honouring Indigenous veterans

67 names are inscribed on memorial

Hundreds gathered in Lower Nicola on the morning of May 28 to commemorate those locally who have sacrificed for our freedom.

A new war memorial was unveiled on Neale Road next to the Shulus Community Arena, showcasing those who have served from the Nicola Valley. Those who live in the valley would recognize a handful of names on the list as local street names, like Voght, Charters and Coutlee.

In total 67 names are on the three-pillared First Nations Veterans Associations War Memorial, which complement a large rock that had already been nearby that pays homage to those that served in both world wars, Vietnam and Korea.

Sgt. Kyla Boston of the Royal Westminster Regiment was on-hand to provide information on the Bold Eagle program, a summer training experience for Indigenous youth to teach both culture and military training.

“If you have any youths in your communities from the ages of 16-29, just quickly google Bold Eagle and what it’s all about. They’re going to gain so much knowledge from that five weeks, and learn more about their culture, learn more about themselves, and learn more about how you can test your mental and your physical strength.”

Many attended the unveiling of the Lower Nicola war memorial in uniform. (Jake Courtepatte/Capital News)

Many attended the unveiling of the Lower Nicola war memorial in uniform. (Jake Courtepatte/Capital News)

The ceremony also involved a sacred fire offering, and a flyover of a Hawk trainer jet.

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