(L-r) Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society Chairman Harley Wright is shown presenting retiring board member Ron Hindson with a gift of appreciation on behalf of the Society at their office in Barriere. Hindson has served on the LNTCFS Board of Directors since it’s inception in 2003. (LNTCFS photo)

(L-r) Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society Chairman Harley Wright is shown presenting retiring board member Ron Hindson with a gift of appreciation on behalf of the Society at their office in Barriere. Hindson has served on the LNTCFS Board of Directors since it’s inception in 2003. (LNTCFS photo)

Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society grant intake open now

Ron Hindson retires after 17 years on the Board

The Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society’s mission is to “provide to the Lower North Thompson through sustainable forestry”. As a result, since 2011 (when $10,000 was handed out), significant surplus revenue has continued to be disbursed annually by the Society to local numerous non-profit organizations and graduates. In 2019 a total of $90,000 was distributed.

At their recent Oct. 20 AGM, the LNTCFS Board of Directors approved $50,000 will be offered this year through their Community Grants Program, with an additional $30,000 as Scholarships/Bursaries to 2021 Barriere Graduates. The grant intake is happening now, with the deadline for applications being Dec. 31, 2020. You can find grant guidelines and an application form on the LNTCFS website at: www.LNTCFS.org

“Grant applications may be submitted at any time, although grants decision making is only once a year in January,” says LNTCFS Manager Mike Francis, RPF, “To apply for a grant, you need to download the form, and then return the completed form to us by email, mail or fax.”

Francis also notes long time LNTCFS supporter, Ron Hindson, has stepped down as a Director of the society.

“We’d like to acknowledge his long-standing support and dedication to the LNTCFS,” said Francis, “He has been a board member since the Society was formed in 2003 and served as Chairman for a period of time as well.”

Francis said the Society had planned to make a presentation to Hindson at their Annual General Meeting.

“But when he couldn’t make it to the meeting we presented him with a gift of appreciation at the LNTCFS Barriere office instead,” said Francis, “On behalf of the LNTCFS Board of Directors we wish Ron all the best.”

The LNTCFS Board of Directors has remained the same for the coming year with the exception of Ron Hindson stepping down, and Kathy Cooper of Barriere being elected to take his place.

The 2020/2021 LNTCFS Board consists of: Chairman Harley Wright, Vice-Chairman Wim Houben, Secretary/Treasurer Norm Klenitz, and Directors; Brian Bondar, Ted Brown, Gailen Conan, Kathy Cooper, Greg Fennell, Dave Stutt, Mike Casey, Ward Stamer, and Ken Veillete.

To find out more go to: https://lntcfs.org or email: LNTCFSociety@telus.net or call: 250-672-1941

Barriere Star Journal