Wanting to hear about “the beauty of humanity” in these troubled times, Vernon women Myrika Godard (left) and Tanya Price have created the online forum giveLUCK on Facebook and Instagram. (Lee Watkins photo)

Wanting to hear about “the beauty of humanity” in these troubled times, Vernon women Myrika Godard (left) and Tanya Price have created the online forum giveLUCK on Facebook and Instagram. (Lee Watkins photo)

LUCK involved in new Vernon online campaign

Two Vernon women create giveLUCK to hear about the "beauty of humanity" in these troubled times

Going through some challenges in behaviour with her big, blended family, Tanya Price needed a creative way to deal with the issues.

As luck would have it, she came up with a method: Love, Understanding, Compassion, Kindness. LUCK.

“It was a key phrase that we used to approach things with kindness,” said Price who, along with the help of friend Myrika Godard, is now taking that catchphrase to a bigger audience.

The two Vernon ladies have started a social media campaign called giveLUCK, creating a forum to “highlight the beauty of humanity that truly does exist in our world, and inspire others to join a movement that is already in motion.”

“The phrase could actually have a greater power and influence in society given everything that is going on today,” said Price, a veiled reference to the COVID-19 crisis, plus other issues impacting communities.

A 10-year frontline community service worker, Price, and Godard – a charity/event planner (and former Black Press employee) – believe that LUCK comes to fruition by intentional acts driven by the four elements of the catchphrase.

“We all face unique circumstances and tragedy, but there are heartfelt people choosing to do what they can to bring light into times of darkness,” Price said. “Our local media report on a crisis but sometimes neglect to show us what has helped or made a positive impact during those times, and giveLUCK wants to change that.

“In society and culture, we are good at coming together and supporting each other. If we can share these good acts, it would give ideas to other people on how they can reach out to help.”

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It was Price who reached out to Godard with the idea for the forum.

“Myrika’s involvement in the community is mind-blowing,” Price said. “She’s so inspiring. All I have to do is give her a bit of information and she runs with it.”

The ladies are teaming up with Old Park Productions in Vernon to hopefully create short documentary pieces on the stories they receive that really shine, and share those stories in a more in-depth way.

“That’s our hope that this is where giveLUCK leads to,” Price said. “We will take the utmost care to host a place where we can share experiences on how support can make a difference. Please help us provide opportunities to gain insight and understanding by taking part in our online community in the hopes of building compassion and connection.”

More information can be found on their Facebook page, give_luck and on Instagram at @give_luck.

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Vernon Morning Star