Lumby agencies receive core support

A total of $16,000 a year will go to the White Valley Community Resource Centre and the Lumby Health Centre.

Two vital community services are getting a boost from taxpayers.

Lumby, rural Lumby and Cherryville will provide a total of $16,000 a year to the White Valley Community Resource Centre and the Lumby Health Centre.

“These organizations do so much for our community,” said Eugene Foisy, Cherryville director.

“We want to keep these services that are so important. It makes more sense than other things we fund.”

The funding will be based on a formula of $2.90 per capita, and Foisy says residents would spend far more than that on gas to drive into Vernon for blood tests or an X-ray.

A bylaw previously only mentioned the White Valley Community Resource Centre, but it was decided to add the health centre.

“We want to provide them with core funding,” said rural Lumby director Rick Fairbairn, adding that the budgets for the non-profits can be tight.

About $10,000 will go to the White Valley Community Resource Centre and $6,000 a year to the health centre.

“They’re providing a lot of information workshops such as diabetes and falls prevention,” said Lumby Mayor Kevin Acton of the health centre.


Vernon Morning Star