Lumby Cenotaph vandalized

Lumby Cenotaph vandalized

Police are looking to identify those responsible for this senseless act of vandalism

Police are seeking the public’s help in identifying those responsible for what they call a “truly senseless act of vandalism”.

On May 14, Lumby RCMP received a report of vandalism to the Lumby Cenotaph, located at Oval Park in central Lumby.

An unknown culprit or culprits pried off two bronze war memorial plaques and dumped them in a garbage can adjacent to the Cenotaph.

“Both plaques have been recovered and examined by RCMP Forensic Identification experts,” says Cpl. Trevor Tribes.

“The Lumby Legion is aware of this incident and are of course concerned that someone would have no regard for what the Cenotaph represents or for their fallen comrades.”

If you have any information please contact your local RCMP.

Penticton Western News