Lumby doesn’t support smart meter action

Ongoing concerns about smart meters aren’t generating a spark in Lumby.

Ongoing concerns about smart meters aren’t generating a spark in Lumby.

Instead of taking action, village council decided to receive and file a letter from the Township of Spallumcheen which raises questions about the safety of B.C. Hydro’s smart meters.

“It’s passe,” said Kevin Acton, Lumby mayor, of the issue.

“We don’t want to drag that up again. It’s the last thing people need.”

Spallumcheen council recently wrote a letter to Energy Minister Bill Bennett stating that smart meters are a concern for residents and it wants assurances that the devices cause no fires, don’t have harmful radiation and aren’t prone to inaccuracy causing overbilling.

Until those issues are clarified, Spallumcheen council is asking that property owners be allowed to use analog meters.


Vernon Morning Star