Lumby finances in ‘great shape’

Financial statements reviewed, Lumby Days moves ahead, details sought on agricultural plan

Lumby’s financial practises have been given the green light.

Accounting firm Rossworn Henderson has presented the village’s 2014 financial statements.

“They went through it with a fine-tooth comb,” said Coun. Julie Pilon.

“In their opinion, they consider the financial statements to be in great shape.”

One area the accountants looked at was reserve funds and the village’s ability to address the infrastructure deficit, a challenge most communities face.

“They are happy that we are building up the reserves,” said Pilon.

Lumby Days moves ahead

Political support means a popular festival will take place again this year.

Lumby council has waived the village noise bylaw and extended it until midnight June 12 and 13 to allow for the Lumby Days stage show and midway.

The Lumby Days Society also wants to confirm use of the park, the curling club, the White Valley Community Centre, Pat Duke Arena and Royals Park for the event.

“That was already approved by the regional district’s Whitevalley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee,” said Tom Kadla, the village’s chief administrative officer.

Lumby Days runs from June 12 to 14.

Details sought on agricultural plan

Lumby officials aren’t making any firm decisions yet on the Regional District of North Okanagan’s draft regional agricultural area plan.

Council believes more information is needed on the plan, including the results of two recent public open houses.

“Some farmers are happy with it and others aren’t,” said Coun. Julie Pilon.

The draft plan focuses on protecting farmland and farmers, strengthening the local agricultural economy, encouraging sustainable agricultural practices, managing clean and accessible water, ensuring farmland availability for emerging farmers, creating supportive government policies and regulations and raising awareness and education.


Vernon Morning Star